About the Company Network Design Services FreeBSD System Deployment Management Consulting Technical Training Open Source Software
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Open Advisors Limited, Boston, MA, USA
Providing excellent customer service and support is essential to keeping customers satisfied in today's competitive ISP world.

At Opal we can help train your support staff in the technologies they are working with, so that they are able to better understand the methods for troubleshooting and diagnosing a failure and bring the service back online in the most expiditious way. Details of our three- to five-day technical class can be seen here. Interraction with the telco and keeping the customer informed are important parts of problem resolution and we can help staff understand how telcos are organized and how to best get them to do things for you, and when and how often to be in touch with the customer.

Good network monitoring is an important component of detecting problems quickly so that your customers see you as being proactive rather than reactive on their behalf. At Opal we can help install and configure network monitoring tools.

Providing network usage information as well as trouble info that may require credits to your Accounts and Billing department is also an area where Opal has expertise.

Contact us to see how we can help you with your needs.